How The Four-Day Work Week Enhanced My Life!

4 Day Work Week Appreciation


As someone who's lucky enough to work a 4-day week, I can't begin to describe the positive impact it's had on my personal life and work-life balance. I am a huge advocate for it and I think more companies could be considering the effects it could have on their business. Here is why I love it!
The Positive Impact on My Work
Not only has the four-day workweek improved my personal life, but it’s also had a profound effect on my approach to work.

A New Appreciation for My Company
While similar roles can be found elsewhere, working for a company that truly values and prioritises employee well-being makes all the difference. I am genuinely thankful to be part of an organisation where the management team is committed to supporting both my health and happiness. This kind of care motivates me to give my best in return.
Fostering a Hardworking Environment
Because I feel appreciated and trusted, I don’t mind going the extra mile when necessary. Whether it's hopping on a call in the evening or logging in on a Sunday evening to make sure a new hire is set for their first day, I’m more than happy to contribute. This system fosters an environment where people want to work hard because they feel respected and valued—not forced or exploited. It’s a simple equation, really: happy employees are productive employees.
More Energy for Life
With a 4-day work week, I feel more rested, focused, and full of energy. That extra day off is like a reset button, allowing me to approach the weekend feeling refreshed instead of exhausted. It's amazing how much difference one day can make in avoiding burnout.
More Time for Everyday Tasks
One of the biggest perks is having Fridays to take care of all the little, mundane things that normally eat up my precious weekend time. Running errands, washing clothes, doing the food shopping, or going to dentist appointments no longer has to be squeezed into a packed Saturday or Sunday or taken as half a day's holiday. With that extra day, I can check those items off my to-do list and spend my weekends doing the things I love.
More Quality Family Time
Another wonderful benefit has been spending more time with my family and nephews. Before, my weekends felt rushed—fitting in as many activities as I could before Monday rolled around again. Now, I can dedicate more time to enjoying the company of loved ones, without the pressure of time ticking down. It’s amazing how just one extra day can make those moments feel more relaxed and meaningful.
Time for Personal Projects and DIY
I recently bought a house, and it requires a lot of renovation work. Fridays will become my "DIY days." Whether it's learning a new skill like painting or just being outside in the garden. Not only am I improving my home, but I'm also getting the chance to be outside and active, which is great for my mental and physical well-being. It also means we will be weeks closer to moving in!
The results speak for themselves, if you would like to see a copy of Block Recruits trial results please reach out to Alice or myself! This change is more than just an extra day off—it's a new way of working and living.
Posy Spencer |




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