You have done all the interviewing and found the perfect candidate who has accepted your offer and the last thing you are expecting is for a counteroffer from their current employer to come in. Well, this is becoming part of the process I am afraid and something to factor into your negotiations and recruitment process. Despite 80% of candidates who accept a counteroffer from their current employer ending up leaving within 6 months it’s still common practice in sectors where there is a shortage of candidates with the niche skillset required. 9 out of 10 candidates who accept a counteroffer leave their current employer within the twelve-month mark, so if you are counter-offering your employees, plan to find a replacement within 12 months as it’s likely that you will still be at risk of losing them long term. Something we ask all candidates at the very beginning of the process is to talk to their current employer to see if any of the reasons why they are leaving could be dealt with and only after this has happened do we move them onto interviewing with clients. Our top tips to help you win the candidate:
Create a great candidate experience, so when your offer comes in, the candidate doesn’t have any questions over you as a new employer
Be ready to negotiate and don't take it personally
Deliver on your promises throughout the hiring process. Candidates are forming an opinion of you from the point of sending their CV to the point of offer
Please contact us for consultative advice on creating a great candidate experience