Lesley Green #LeaseholdChampions
21 September 2017
Amongst  all the bad press that is circulating about the poor service managing agents provide, at Block Recruit we felt it was time for a change. We hear every day about the amazing service managing agents are providing to their clients and it should be celebrated! Introducing #LeaseholdChampions.
"As an industry, block management tends to recognise the efforts of property managers. They are the front facing people in the firing line on a daily basis (and they deserve their recognition!). However, as with all companies, there are many people who work tirelessly behind the scenes who keep the wheels turning and the machine chugging along who don’t always have the opportunity to be publicly recognised, despite their efforts.
One such person is our Legal Assistant Lesley Green.
Lesley joined MLM originally as our receptionist and then moved over to work as a legal assistant. Her role is to deal with all the raft of administration required regarding flat sales including facilitating pre-sales packs, certificates of compliance, notices of assignment, share certificates etc etc. 
Sometimes achievements are not always about climbing mountains, sometimes it is a significant achievement to keep afloat in choppy waters and Lesley does this everyday as part of her job. Selling or buying a home is supposedly as stressful as the grieving process. Lesley has to manage the expectations of some very stressed out people and their solicitors on a daily basis. She manages this process very well with a level head and often receives praise from external parties who thank her for making a stressful process significantly less so.
Lesley is an important cog in the MLM Machine and we are pleased to have an opportunity to recognise her hard work and efforts over the years."
Congratulations Lesley from the Block Recruit team : )
Do you have a #LeaseholdChampion in your team? Get in touch today!
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